Well, I can’t be a creative genius ALL the time

The holidays are finally behind me, I don’t hafta worry about the thousands of empty booze calories on my daily count, and I don’t need to cook something to impress anyone for the first time in several weeks. Oh yeah, did I mention that my 

Banh Hoi Bo La Lop

Tonight I made some awesome (though somewhat unbefitting a cold, wet December evening) banh hoi bo lan lop (Vietnamese grilled beef lettuce wraps) for dinner. These fit nicely into my diet menu, with only 280 calories for 5 rolls’ worth of meat, lettuce, fresh cilantro, 

So, I’m on a diet

Yeah, that’s right. I’m watching the weight again. Anyways, tonight I made a yummy diet-esque dinner, and since I’ve decided I’m not ashamed to admit I’m counting calories, I took a photo of the buffalo taco salad I made for dinner. And guess what, bitches?