Put Down the Pitchforks and Pick Up the Corn Dogs

Shit’s been getting pretty real in Portland food media lately. The sudden closure of a two-Becky-owned burrito joint has caused indignant accusations of cultural appropriation (both from the “how dare you, sir” and “what’s the big deal” sides), widening the rift between SJWs and white supremacists. 

Rabbit Jambalaya

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT YOU GUYS! I’m now creating content and developing recipes for @nicky.usa’s new retail line! So I get to play with lots of beautiful meats and share with you all the dishes I come up with! For my first post, I wanted to use 

Hustle and Dough

A new documentary about James Beard omits two of the most important people in his life: his family’s private chef, Jue Let, and his BFF, fellow cookbook author and highly underrated food writer Helen Evans Brown. Otherwise, a fine biography. Read my review of the film James 

Final Fantasy is Reality

My latest piece is live in the Portland Mercury!

Pork cheek confit with caramelized turnip and apples

Spring has indeed sprung, yet I always find myself at this time of year with a certain yen for autumnal things. Pomes and root vegetables; meats cooked to shredded perfection, their connective stuff all pulverized (by time, or pressure) to gelatin. These are good things, 

Holiday Cheer

Food blogging has sort of jumped the shark, hasn’t it? Has anyone else noticed this? The concept that “when things I like become popular, they are ruined” has never felt truer to me than it does lately, and I think it was therapeutic (and honest?) 

Miso-glazed pork chop with corn-maitake Calrosotto

Yes, I’ve taken another two-week break. It’s summer – the busiest time of year for us do-it-ourselves, radical homemakin’, types! I’ll show you later what’s been keeping me so busy (hint: jars and jars), but for now I really need to get this off my 

Pulled pork tacos

Yes, delicious pork tacos. But first, indulge me for a minute while I embark on some quick link-dropping and tangent-going, and don’t you dare pull a tl;dr on me. I never write any more. You’ll get to the photos soon enough. So I was reading 

Pork-Shiitake Niku Dango

Niku dango are Japanese meatballs, and are the perfect accompaniment to beer and noodles (two of my favorite things). Meatballs, in general are huge right now – Bon Appetit magazine recently had a whole issue devoted to them. Shit, 20% of all my (granted, now