Month: April 2017

Pass the Macrame

No one’s been eating the case of oatmeal that I bought from @bobsredmill and there’s a backlog of yogurt in the fridge, so I did the logical thing that any child of the 1970s would do: I made granola. This is thick oats toasted for 

Best School Lunch Ever

Top five favorite school hot lunches, in no particular order: Garfield-style lasagna, square pan pizza (squishy crust), chickenwiches, PPS-style dirty water dogs, and chicken a là king. The last of these is a dish that originated on the East Coast in the 1880s, with various 

Yours in Booze

I chatted about Portland’s boozy past in the Mercury.

Charcuterie for Her

Protip: if you don't have a "tight-fitting ham net" like the @olympiaprovisions cookbook says to use, a fishnet stocking will do the trick. #macgyver #charcuterieforher #coppa #sexy A post shared by heatherarndtanderson (@heatherarndtanderson) on Apr 22, 2017 at 1:47pm PDT

Every Day is a Challahday

Made dozens of challah buns today: these are stuffed with ham, Swiss/cheddar, and pickle mustard, and there's a big batch stuffed with pepper jack and homemade kimchi. #dinnertonight #ambaking #notkosher #notglutenfree #notvegan #everydayisachallahday #culturalappropriation #sacrilicous . . . . #f52grams #bareaders #challah #foodandwine #instafood A 

Hotel Dining Makes a Comeback in Portland

I wrote a thing for Eater on the history of hotel dining in Portland, and the new joints opening in the old hotel restaurants.


Biscuits and gravy are gettin’ above their raisin’

I think biscuits & gravy should be declared the official signature dish of Portland. Not because we invented it or do it better than anyone else, but because it’s who we really are. It may have come from the South, but it was brought here 

Vegetarian burrito in a bowl

I eat a lot of variations on "tofu-veggie stir-fry" because it's fast, cheap, nutritious, and filling. Also, because I was a hippie in the 90s. This one is burrito-flavored, with @tillamook pepper jack and a creamy dressing of sour cream stirred together with homemade tomatillo 

Final Fantasy is Reality

My latest piece is live in the Portland Mercury!

Yellow split-pea soup with mint pistou

Yellow split pea soup with ham and a pistou of mint, pea shoots, and pistachio oil, because HOLY SHIT, SPRING, transitions are hard. Best served with torrential downpours, Pinot Gris, and Swedish folk rock. #dinnertonight #springtime #soupweather . . . . #soup #splitpea #comfortfood #f52grams